Upcoming Events at Hope
February 23rd immediately following worship. This meeting will be in-person only. The purpose will be to have elections for the Board of Trustees. All members are encouraged to attend. Copies of the reports and agenda will be available as soon as possible.
Chili Cook Off - Feb 16th
Congregational Meeting - after worship - Feb 23rd
Ash Wednesday - March 5th
Daylight Savings Time - Spring Forward - March 9th
Confirmation Sunday - March 23rd
Palm Sunday Worship & Egg-stravaganza! - April 13th
Maundy-Thursday with Soup Supper - April 17th
Good Friday Worship at noon - April 18th
Easter Sunday - April 20th
EVERY MONTH - 1st Sunday
All Information is Confidential
On December 14th, we held a drive-thru distribution day. We served 382 individuals, which includes 177 families. We distributed 13,695 lbs. of food, hygiene, and cleaning supplies.
Our next drive-thru pantry distribution will
be Saturday, January 11th
from 10-12pm.
Volunteer service hours are 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
If you are interested in volunteering it is helpful to sign up or contact a member of the Christian Mission and Witness Committee.
There is also a sign up sheet posted on the table in the Narthex.
We have packing and unloading parties all month long! Have your family or group staff an event!
Pastor Meg is inviting children and teens to read the Call to Worship. If you have a young person in your family who would like to participate in worship, please contact the church office. Pastor Meg will write the material at your child’s reading level. The children do not need to be church members.
We also need teens or adults to read the scripture each week. If you would be willing to serve in this capacity, please reach out to Pastor Meg or the church office. We are the church together!
What's News
New Member Class
Do you know what this comma means? Are you interested in finding out? Have you been attending for a while, and you would like to know more about what it means to be a member? Would you like to become more involved, but you don’t know where to begin? Do you have questions about what the UCC is all about?
Join in the conversation on Sunday February 9th. We will meet in the parlor following worship. Grab some refreshments and come join us. Please call the church office or let Pastor Meg know if you can attend.
Chili Cook Off
February 9th.
Bragging rights for the best Chili - bring your special recipe
The Board of Trustees is working on using this template to help us find ways to embrace being the church and create opportunities for people to put their faith into action.
We are kicking off the Be the Church Campaign with a coloring contest for creative people of all ages. Coloring is a great way to manage stress and let your creative spirit soar. Everyone is welcome to take a coloring sheet and submit their finished work on December 30th. We will display our master pieces after the Christmas season.
Focus: HOPE
To help reduce the nearly 43 percent of people who are
food insecure in southeast Michigan, Focus: HOPE is
increasing its effort to expand the monthly food program
for seniors.
Unlike many food programs that provide one-time meals, this program focuses on supplementing senior pantries with items like milk, cereal, and canned goods that can be used throughout the entire month.
Seniors age 60 and older living in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb or
Washtenaw counties can apply for the monthly Food for Seniors
Program by calling 313-494-4600
Michigan UCC – United in Love
Bethel UCC and Michigan Conference UCC Prophetic Integrity Mission Area Team, has partnered with the organization RIP Medical Debt (RIP MD).
RIP MD acquires medical debt from secondary collection sources like collection agencies and, through the generosity of donors, TOTALLY ELIMINATES that debt at a 100:1 ratio. That means for every dollar we raise, $100 in medical debt is eliminated.
We are asking you, as a colleague in Christ in our Michigan Conference, to help us ERASE this debt for our neighbors in Michigan. So together, UNITED IN LOVE, we will relieve the crushing burden placed on already sick Michiganders who cannot afford the medical cost of their illness.
To donate, CLICK HERE (* RIP Medical Debt is a 501(c)3 charitable organization).
LEARN MORE about RIP Medical Debt HERE
If you would like to give a gift to support these events, please click here to be routed to our secure giving site.
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every:
Tuesday 7-8:00 pm. | Saturday 7-8:30 pm
in Fellowship Hall.
Seniors Group
Third Monday of each month - 11:30am Potluck, Games & Fellowship
Reachout to PFLAG at plagct@gmail.com for more information and meeting times.
Every two weeks unless on a holiday. Reach out to Tim Cole if you’re interested. They bowl at the AMF Rose Bowl Lanes on Martin Road. From September-April.
EXERCISE CLASS - Will restart in March
Both men and women are welcome to join this on-going class. Cost is $1.00 per person per class. The instructor is from the Arthritis Foundation. The class meets:
Mondays 11a-12p
Wednesdays from from 1-2p
We're always looking for help with our audio and video services. Its easier than it looks and its fun to learn. If this seems interesting to you, please talk to Jim on Sunday or call him.
Choir and Handbells
We are always looking for more singers to join the Choir and players to join the Bell Choir; we have a place for you.
Can’t quite hear Pastor Meg’s sermon? Think the choir just doesn’t sing loud enough? We can help!
We can accommodate you with our assistive listening system! We have installed a complex system that can transmit directly to your hearing aids, through your own smartphone or with a special receiver we can lend you. We also have earphones for those without hearing aids.
Make sure you can hear God’s wonderful good news!