Scripture especially speaks to our hearts in difficult times. These verses are from the Contemporary English Version (CEV) of the Bible. Please contact Pastor Meg if you need spiritual support. You are not alone during this difficult time.

Romans 8: 38- 39 I am sure that nothing can separate us from God’s love—not life or death, not angels or spirits, not the present or the future, and not powers above or powers below. Nothing in all creation can separate us from God’s love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord!

Jeremiah 29:11 I will bless you with a future filled with hope—a future of success, not of suffering.

Isaiah 40:28-31 Don’t you know? Haven’t you heard? The Lord is the eternal God, Creator of the earth. He never gets weary or tired; his wisdom cannot be measured. The Lord gives strength to those who are weary. Even young people get tired, then stumble and fall. But those who trust the Lord will find new strength. They will be strong like eagle soaring upward on wings; they will walk and run without getting tired.

1 Corinthians 13:12 Now all we can see of God is like a cloudy picture in a mirror. Later we will see him face to face. We don’t know everything, but then we will, just as God completely understands us

Lamentations 3:22-23  The Lord’s kindness never fails! If he had not been merciful, we would have been destroyed. The Lord can always be trusted to show mercy each morning

Philippians 4:6-7 Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God.  Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel.

2 Corinthians 4:18  We don’t focus on the things that can be seen but on the things that can’t be seen. The things that can be seen don’t last, but the things that can’t be seen are eternal.

Ephesians 3:17-21  and that Christ will live in your hearts because of your faith. Stand firm and be deeply rooted in his love.  I pray that you and all of God’s people will understand what is called wide or long or high or deep.[a]  I want you to know all about Christ’s love, although it is too wonderful to be measured. Then your lives will be filled with all that God is. I pray that Christ Jesus and the church will forever bring praise to God. His power at work in us can do far more than we dare ask or imagine. Amen.

Deuteronomy 31:6 Be brave and strong! Don’t be afraid of the nations on the other side of the Jordan. The Lord your God will always be at your side, and he will never abandon you.

Psalm 23:1 You, Lord, are my shepherd. I will never be in need.

1 Corinthians 16:13 Keep alert. Be firm in your faith. Stay brave and strong.

Psalm 56:3 “When I am afraid, I put my trust in You”

2 Timothy 1:7 God didn’t give us a spirit that is timid but one that is powerful, loving, and self-controlled.



The United Church of Christ (UCC) is a distinct and diverse community of Christians that come together as one church to join faith and action.  With over 5,000 churches and nearly one million members across the U.S., the UCC serves God in the co-creation of a just and sustainable world.  The UCC is a church of firsts, a church of extravagant welcome, and a church where "…they may all be one" (John 17:21).

The Church of Firsts

Since 1957, the United Church of Christ has been the church of firsts, weaving God’s message of hope and extravagant welcome with action for justice and peace. Together, we live out our faith in ways that effect change in our communities.  The UCC's many "firsts" mean that we have inherited a tradition of acting upon the demands of our faith.  When we read in Galatians: "There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus"—a demand is made upon us. And so we were the first historically white denomination to ordain an African-American, the first to ordain a woman, the first to ordain an openly gay man, and the first Christian church to affirm the right of same-gender couples to marry. We were in the forefront of the anti-slavery movement and the Civil Rights movement.  Our response to the demands of our faith is woven into the history of our country.

A Church of Extravagant Welcome

Today, we continue to change lives throughout the world. We work alongside more than 200 mission partners. We labor ceaselessly to fight injustice, in the United States and abroad. We instill our vision into our youth and young adults, forging leaders who will imagine new dreams. And we sustain and develop church leaders, pastors, and our local churches to live their faith in exciting new ways.  We believe in a God that is still speaking​, a God that is all-loving and inclusive.  We are a church that welcomes and accepts everyone as they are, where your mind is nourished as much as your soul.

We are a church where Jesus the healer meets Jesus the revolutionary, and where together, we grow a just and peaceful world.



Rev. Meg Wilson (Pastor)

Gail Fellman (Admin. Assistant)

Board of Trustess

Kirk Schoenherr (President)

Nancy Burnham (Vice President)

Terry Hillman (Treasurer)

Jim Wilson (Secretary)

Rick Cole

Nancy Fay

Cindy Greening

Brad Lusk

Carrisa Spear


Sunday School

Music Ministry

Deborah Frontczak (Music Director)

Denise Kildea (Accompanist)

Patrick Baker (Organist)